Children’s Programs for Boys and Girls

The youth program of Kehillas HaGra has a dual goal.  First and foremost, its activities are designed to enhance our children’s connection to their unique roles in Yiddishkeit. Additionally, the program’s focus is to foster a sense of achdus among our kehilla’s children.

Boys Programming

In order to nurture the boys’ love of Torah and davening, we have created various learning programs with fun incentives for all participants. We sponsor Shalosh Seudos meals for the boys, and various mesibas and trips. Ongoing Programs:

Seder Moed: The Kehillas HaGra boys program has a goal of learning and chazering Seder Moed 20 times by Purim.

Masmidim: This program encourages young boys to learn b’chavrusa. Masmidim takes place on Monday and Wednesday evenings between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. Anyone who would like to arrange for a chavrusa for their son should please contact Dovid Friedlander or R’ Avrohom Jacobson.  At the conclusion of Masmidim, treats are given out to all participants.

Chevras Mishnayos:  This popular group meets with R’ Avrohom Jacobson on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Beis Medrash from 7:00pm and 7:30pm, with chazarah followed by an oneg on Shabbos between 2:30pm and 3:30pm in the Jacobson Home, Nachal Ayalon 21/1.  Please contact R’ Avrohom Jacobson for details.

Avos U’Banim:  Father and son learning takes place every Motzei Shabbos in the Beis Medrash. Please check calendar for exact time each week. There are special incentives for participants.

V’Shinantom:  Friday nights learning for the boys occurs in the Beis Midrash between 8:00pm and 9:00pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbos. After 9:30pm, an additional Oneg Shabbos will be served to the bochrim as well.

Girls Programming

The girls’ youth programs are designed to combine a love of chesed, community-related achdus, and fun activities for the girls.

Melave Malkas – Our inspiring Motzei Shabbos programs are held periodically throughout the year, and are generally focused on a calendar-related theme or middah. The high-school age girls are involved in planning and running the programs, and adult-volunteers ensure the programs’ success.

Brachos Parties – As part of a larger community, the girls feel a sense of achrayos toward helping others in our neighborhood. Monthly brachos parties are well-attended, where the girls feel their joint mitzvos are making a difference in this world.

Kabbalas Shabbos Dovening – The girls regularly gather after candle-lighting to hear divrei chizuk, benefit from an inspiring story and daven together. These programs are divided by age, and are instrumental in teaching the girls the mechanics of Shabbos dovening as well as beginning Shabbos on a high note.

Trips & Day Activities – The Gra sponsors fun outings and day programs for girls periodically throughout the year. These trips and activities generally have an underlying theme of chesed laced with a message important to Yiddishkeit, and are always enjoyed by young and old alike.